interior joinery; carpentry; furniture; cabinet work; flooring; decorative veneer; fittings; laminated beam; exterior joinery (treatment recommended)
Wood Description
Sapwood | not clearly distinct, pinkish and turning pale brown or greyish (3-4cm) |
Heartwood | pale pink, through rich red brown to dark brown, streaked with black |
Grain | generally straight, at times slightly interlocked |
Texture | medium to coarse |
Remark | the silver figure is fine, purplish and clearly visible |
Technological Characteristics
Physical properties | |
Green density (g/cm³) | 0.95 |
Air-dry density at 12% (g/cm³) | 0.67 |
Basic specific gravity | 0.59 |
Total tangential shrinkage (%) | 7.7 |
Total radial shrinkage (%) | 4.8 |
Total volumetric shrinkage (%) | 12.9 |
Sawing | easy |
Blunting effect | very slight to slight |
Drying | care required; air-drying under cover is recommended U.S. kiln schedule T3·C2 for 25-38 mm (4/4 to 6/4) stock and T3·CI for SO mm (8/4) stock; British schedule C (25 mm); or kiln schedule for 41 mm listed below risks of distortion; slight risks of checking; more or less high occnsional risks of collapse movement in service low to medium |
Machining | some difficulties due to grain occasionally interlocked |
Glueing | good |
Nailing | good holding of nails; tends to split on end grain |
Finishing | good |
Veneering | peels and slices well |