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Black Kakaralli Lumber


SKU: N/A Category:



heavy carpentry; industrial flooring; sleepers; ship building; poles and posts; turnery; frame construction; house framing; marine construction (temperate:tone and tropics)


Wood Description

Sapwood not clearly distinct, light greyish brown (2·10 cm)
Heartwood brown to dark brown
Grain straight
Texture flne to medium


Technological Characteristics

Physical properties E. subglandulosa
Green density (g/cm³) 1.25
Air-dry density at 12% (g/cm³) 1.07
Basic specific gravity 0.87
Total tangential shrinkage (%) 10.3
Total radial shrinkage (%) S.8
Total volumetric shrinkage (%)



Sawing power required
Blunting effect high (silica)
Drying moderately difficult to air-season; moderate to slow
risks of distortion: slight
risks of checking: slight
slight risk of casehardening
Machining difficult becnuse of hardness and silica content; special
tools recommended
Gluing difficult
Nailing pre-boring necessary
Finishing good


Additional information


12 ft, 16 ft, 20 ft, 8 ft

Lumber Grade

Merchantable, Prime, Select, Sound, Standard

Thickness & Width

1×6 tongue-and-groove decking: 0.75 inches thick by 5.5 inches wide, 2×4 lumber: 1.5 inches thick by 3.5 inches wide, 2×6 lumber: 1.5 inches thick by 5.5 inches wide, 4×4 lumber: 3.5 inches thick by 3.5 inches wide

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