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Locust Lumber


Wamaradan Lumber

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Wamara Lumber

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inlay; cabinet work; walking sticks; parquet flooring; bagpipes; violin bows; turnery; fine furniture; cutlery; marquetry; musical instruments; Interior trim


Wood Description

Sapwood distinct, nearly white or yellow (7·8cm)
Heartwood dark brown to pale reddish purple or purplish brown,
occasionally with dark olive or purplish brown stripes
Grain straight but variable
Texture medium to very fine


Technological Characteristics

Physical properties
Green density (g/cm³) 1.20
Air-dry density at 12% (g/cm³) 1.06
Basic specific gravity 0.87
Total tangential shrinkage (%) 5.1·6.5
Total radial shrinkage (%) 3.1-4.0
Total volumetric shrinkage (%)



Sawing power required
Blunting effect
Drying no information; probably similar to drying of Swartz/a
leiocalycina Benth .. slow rate
risks of distortion: slight
risks of checking: more or less high
Machining difficult because of hardness; power required
Nailing pre-boring necessary
Finishing good


Additional information


12 ft, 16 ft, 20 ft, 8 ft

Lumber Grade

Merchantable, Prime, Select, Sound, Standard

Thickness & Width

1×6 tongue-and-groove decking: 0.75 inches thick by 5.5 inches wide, 2×4 lumber: 1.5 inches thick by 3.5 inches wide, 2×6 lumber: 1.5 inches thick by 5.5 inches wide, 4×4 lumber: 3.5 inches thick by 3.5 inches wide

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