fine tl1rniturc; interior trim; bout construction; decorative veneer; heavy construction; flooring; joinery; turnery; sleepers
Wood Description
Sapwood | not clearly distinct, greyish pink (2·5cm) |
Heartwood | pale reddish brown to very dark brown |
Grain | interlocked |
Texture | medium to coarse |
Remark | – |
Technological Characteristics
Physical properties | |
Green density (g/cm³) | 1.00-1.10 |
Air-dry density at 12% (g/cm³) | 0.74-0.85 |
Basic specific gravity | 0.60-0.67 |
Total tangential shrinkage (%) | 11.7 |
Total radial shrinkage (%)3.5 | 5.4 |
Total volumetric shrinkage (%) | 17.0 |
Sawing | easy |
Blunting effect | – |
Drying | moderately ditl1cult; slow drying and core are required kiln schedules similar to those of white oak (Quercus alba) are suggested with attention paid to honeycombing; and collapse risks of distortion: Moderate risks of checking: Moderate possible risk of the case: hardening, collapse and honey combing |
Machining | not difficult except in planning because of the Interlocked grain |
Glueing | good |
Nailing | good holding of nails; pre·borlng necessary |
Finishing | filling is recommended |
Veneering | – |