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Crabwood Logs


Sarebebeballi logs

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Mora logs


SKU: N/A Category:



sleepers; heavy construction; bridge decking; planking; heavy carpentry; industrial flooring; joinery; vehicle bodies; boat building (ribs, stem, knees, framing}


Wood Description

Sapwood distinct, light yellowish grey (S-IScm)
Heartwood dark brown, reddish brown or yellowish red brown with white or brown streaks
Grain straight to interlocked, very variable
Texture medium to coarse
Remark slightly sour odour; rather harsh to the touch


Technological Characteristics

Physical properties
Green density (g/cm³) 1.30
Air-dry density at 12% (g/cm³) 0.99
Basic specific gravity 0.78
Total tangential shrinkage (%) 9.5
Total radial shrinkage (%)3.5 5.8
Total volumetric shrinkage (%) 17.6



Sawing power required; fairly difficult; tendency to spring
Blunting effect moderate to high
Drying dlfflcult; a slow drying 11nd c11reful piling are
recommended to reduce degrade
U.S. kiln schedulc T2·C2 for 25-38 mm (4/4 to 6/4)
stock and T2-CI for 50 mm (8/4) stock or British
schedule B (25 mm)
risks of distortion: more or less high
risks of checking; more or less high
Machining difficulties due to hardness and highly Interlocked grain
(pick up and chipped grain)
Glueing special precaution needed
Nailing pre-boring necessary; good holding of nails;
Finishing good


Additional information


12 inches, 18 inches, 24 inches, 30 inches, 36 inches, 6 inches

Log Grade

Fair Sawmill Quality, First Peeler Quality, Low Quality, Small Sawmill Quality, Standard Sawmill Quality, Superior Sawmill Quality

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