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Garlic Wood Lumber

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Boxes and crates; utility plywood; interior joinery; wainscoting; light carpentry; cheap furniture


Wood Description

Sapwood Distinct, pale yellow or grey CV. s11ri11a111e11s/s); not clearly distinct (V, tetraphylla)
Heartwood Pale pink brown darkening to golden brown often with
yellow stripes (V. s11ri11a111e11s/s); light brown (V.tetraphylla)
Grain Generally straight or slightly interlocked
Texture Rather coarse


Technological Characteristics

Physical properties
Green density (g/cm³) 0.98
Air-dry density at 12% (g/cm³) 0.58-0.62
Basic specific gravity 0.48
Total tangential shrinkage (%) 9.S
Total radial shrinkage (%)3.5 3.5
Total volumetric shrinkage (%) 16.4



Sawing Easy; woolly surface
Blunting effect Very slight
Drying kiln-drying difficult and slow; quarter sawing and slow
drying are recommended U.S. kiln schedule T2·D4 for 25-38 mm (4/4 to 6/4)
stock and T2-D3 for SO mm (8/4) stock; British schedule A (25 mm); or kiln schedule for 4 Imm listed below
risks of distortion: more: or less high risks of checking: more or less high
Machining easy; the necessity to keep sharp cutting edges to avoid
woolly surfaces
Gluing Good
Nailing Good holding of nails
Finishing good
Veneering peels well


Additional information


12 ft, 16 ft, 20 ft, 8 ft

Lumber Grade

Merchantable, Prime, Select, Sound, Standard

Thickness & Width

1×6 tongue-and-groove decking: 0.75 inches thick by 5.5 inches wide, 2×4 lumber: 1.5 inches thick by 3.5 inches wide, 2×6 lumber: 1.5 inches thick by 5.5 inches wide, 4×4 lumber: 3.5 inches thick by 3.5 inches wide

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